Latest News

20 Jun 2024

Member Notice for 22/06/2024

Informing our members that there will be a change of our regular opening hours on 22/06/2024 due to 2 hurling matches happening in Thurles town

30 May 2024

Member notice for June Bank Holiday

Informing our members that we will be closed for the upcoming June Bank Holiday.

02 May 2024

Member Notice: May Bank Holiday

Reminding members that we are not going to be open 06/05/2024 due to the May Bank Holiday.

12 Apr 2024

Beware of Fraud

Details provided from CUSOP via Fraudsmart on potential fraud and scams that may be carried out against our members.

23 Mar 2024

Easter Opening Hours 2024

An update of Premier CU opening hours for the Easter Weekend for the year 2024

11 Mar 2024

SEPA Payments Delay

Informing members of expected delays in SEPA payments over St Patricks weekend

08 Mar 2024

SEPA Payments

07 Mar 2024

Premier Credit Union First Schools Quiz

An article and photos from the first School Quiz held by Premier Credit Union

08 Feb 2024

FEXCO Valentine Competition

Information and links to the Valentines competition being run by Fexco on their social media

09 Dec 2023

Cash Draw

Member Complaint Procedure

It is the aspiration of Premier Credit Union that a complaint against the credit union will be resolved in a fair and equitable manner.  However, as with any service provider, things may go wrong from time to time.  Where you have a complaint about our service to you, we want you to tell us.  Telling us will ensure that your complaint is dealt with in accordance with our complaints procedure (set out below) and it may help us improve our service to you and our other members.

The Member Complaints Procedure is drawn up in accordance with the Credit Union Standard Rules and the applicable legislation. Full details of the scheme are contained in Rule 108 of the Rules of the credit union.

Step 1

The complainant discusses the complaint with the Complaints Officer of Premier Credit Union. The complainant submits the “Complaints Form” together with all relevant documentation to the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer who will, where possible, resolve the complaint.

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant:

Step 2

The complainant discusses the complaint with the Complaints Officer of Premier Credit Union. The complainant submits the “Complaints Form” together with all relevant documentation to the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer who will, where possible, resolve the complaint.

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant:

Step 3

The complainant submits the “Complaints Form” together with all relevant documentation to date to the complaints committee. The complainant will have the right to be heard by the complaints committee who will investigate, discuss and, wherever possible, resolve the complaint.

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant: 

Step 4

The complainant should request the Secretary of the credit union to forward the “Complaints Form” to the Board of Directors of Premier Credit Union. The complainant will have the right to be heard by the Board of Directors, which will investigate, discuss and wherever possible, resolve the complaint.

If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant:

Step 5

If you are dissatisfied with the final response you have received or at any stage of the process you can write to The Financial Services Ombudsman who can investigate complaints by members of Premier Credit Union so long as the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman.

Nothing in Rule 108 shall prevent the Financial Services Ombudsman from investigating and adjudicating a complaint made against a credit union about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service, so long as the complaint:

  1. falls with the jurisdiction of that Ombudsman, and
  2. does not relate to a matter that involves only the governance of the credit union.

The Ombudsman is an independent officer whose remit is to investigate, mediate and adjudicate unresolved complaints of individual customers about financial service providers. The complaints procedure in the credit union should have been exhausted before you contact the Financial Ombudsman.
Financial Services Ombudsman, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2. For more information please visit the website link
In accordance with the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended), and because the Rules of the credit union give directions as to the manner in which disputes are to be decided, every dispute to which the credit union is a party shall be decided in that manner.

In accordance with the Credit Union Act, 1997 (as amended), and because the Rules of the credit union give directions as to the manner in which disputes are to be decided, every dispute to which the credit union is a party shall be decided in that manner.