The Credit Union Difference - People for People

We, at Premier Credit Union, are a not-for-profit financial co-operative who exist to serve our members. We do not have any hidden fees or charges, unlike many of the for-profit financial institutions. We do not issue shares or pay earnings to outside stockholders. Instead, earnings are returned to members in the form of an attractive dividend (interest) on shares, an interest rebate, and there are no hidden fees or charges.
The Credit Union exists to help people, not to make a profit. Our motto is 'People for People'. Our goal is to serve all our members well, and in turn, members are loyal for this reason. Members know that the Credit Union will be there for them in bad times, as well as good. Our philosophy extends to the communities in which we operate, by donating our time, money, and resources.
People for People
The Credit Union aims to assist members to become better educated consumers of financial services. We offer free financial counseling and education programs to our members.
The Credit Union is governed by a volunteer board of directors, elected by and from the Credit Union's membership. It is an economic democracy with each member having equal ownership and one vote, regardless of how much a member may have in shares.
Premier Credit Union provides a secure financial choice for all consumers in the common bond, while always staying true to our mission of 'People for People'.